Good Mourning

Life on earth comes with everyday losses that go unrecognized, unacknowledged, and un-mourned. This invisible pain causes deeper emotional damage—devastation that medium Theresa Caputo has witnessed in many of her clients. Though they are suffering, they rarely understand where the anguish is coming from—or how to deal with it. In Good Mourning, Theresa opens up more than ever before, and with the help of Spirit, helps us manage these kinds of daily losses, which ultimately allows us to lead more fulfilling and joyful lives. 

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After more than a decade of being a practicing medium, Theresa Caputo shares the powerful lessons she has learned about grief, healing, and finding happiness in the wake of tragedy. In almost every reading she gives, Spirit insists that people begin to embrace their lives again. But not everyone knows where to start and putting back together the pieces of a life marked by loss is never easy. Sometimes you need spiritual guidance—and that’s where Theresa comes in.

Here, Theresa uses lessons from Spirit to guide you through grief toward a place of solace and healing. Each lesson is grounded in her clients’ experiences of losing loved ones, their encounters with Spirit during readings, and ways in which they’ve been able to heal and grow. 

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In You Can’t Make This Stuff Up, Theresa imparts the life-changing wisdom she’s received from Spirit and in client readings. Each chapter incorporates a powerful lesson that is made real by Theresa’s witty and wise insight. She shares moving client stories and fascinating behind-the-scenes tales from her life and hit reality show to help people find peace and closure and better understand the spiritual world. With lessons revolving around themes such as choice, fear, faith, gratitude, healing, and surrender, the book also explores spiritual concepts like angels, heaven, signs, miracles, and God. These healing messages will help guide you toward a happier life by focusing your attention on what really matters to the soul. 

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There’s More to Life Than This explains how Theresa’s mediumship works, what happens to your soul when you die, what Heaven is like, what the deceased want you to know, how to live a positive life, and the roles that your family, friends, angels, guides, souls of faith, and God play here and in the afterlife. It also explores how to safely connect with Spirit, so that you can recognize when your loved ones are reaching out. 

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Psychic medium MaryAnn DiMarco has communicated with the Other Side since she was five years old. Through her experience, she found that everyone has a team of divine advisors, such as guides, angels, and other spiritual beings, that prompt your gut instincts. As an in-demand spiritual teacher, MaryAnn offers her clients a roadmap to developing intuition on their own and helps them break free from their own spiritual, emotional, and real-world obstacles. Believe, Ask, Act shares this process for the first time using a three -step method. Through stories and channeled advice, MaryAnn shows you how to clearly receive and execute guidance with an open mind and courageous heart. 

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As a cultural icon of the 90s, Melissa Joan Hart played the title roles in the trailblazing Nickelodeon series Clarissa Explains It All and wildly popular Sabrina the Teenage Witch, but she never let fame go to her head. From her first acting gig at age four to her current success as an actress, director, and producer, Hart’s worked hard to maintain an “ordinary life,” while also jam-packing it full of extraordinary moments and memories. 

Melissa Explains It All is as forthright and funny as Melissa herself. Here, she tells stories about her childhood and family, her career, those rebellious teen years, the actors she’s worked with, competed against, and befriended—not to mention, her hilarious efforts to fit in, stand out, and juggle the roles of wife, mother, and TV star. 

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Five million viewers tuned into The Style Network for Giuliana DePandi and Bill Rancic’s fairy tale wedding in Italy. But what happened once the honeymoon ended? With the funny, frank, and characteristically down-to-earth personality that fans of their hit reality show Giuliana & Bill have come to adore, this glamorous couple takes you behind the scenes of their real-life marriage. Like all newlyweds, they’ve faced the big issues that wedlock invites, like money, household chores, arguments, and trying to have a baby. Sharing their insights, they offer suggestions on topics like communication, giving and receiving support, trust and jealousy, quality time, friends and in-laws, fighting fair, and sex and romance. 

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Owning a dog is one of life’s great joys, but the challenges that it brings can make even the most devoted dog lovers panic, throw up their hands, or feel completely overwhelmed. Before you reach the end of your leash, turn to this friendly and relatable reference that’s a lot like talking to a dog-owning friend who’s seen and done it all. This book compiles tips and invaluable advice from respected experts, plus Beth’s experience as a dog parent and advocate, to soothe concerns, answer questions, and help you and your dog get the most from your relationship. 

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